Healer (Cantonese) - HEALER追擊
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Kim Moon Ho (Yoo Ji Tae)is a popular reporter at major broadcasting company. One day, he learnsthe truth of a case that took place in the past. He intentionally approaches people who are related to the case and helps them. While doing so, he agonizes over the truth and beliefs.

Meanwhile, with the help of Kim Moon Ho, internet reporter Chae Young Shin (Park Min Young) and Seo Jung Hoo (Ji Chang Wook), known as “Healer,” grow into real reporters.

夢想買下一座無人島的頂尖職業跑腿人貞厚,代號Healer,今天的任務是替客戶收件並確認貨物,Someday News記者永信今天持續追蹤著明星的緋聞,全韓國最具影響力的知名記者文浩則從三韓工業勞資糾紛