Revolving Doors of Vengeance - 酒店風雲
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Hotel tycoon WONG YUK TING’s family starts a legacy dispute immediately after his death. The third son KAI KIT (NG CHEUK HAI, RON) leaves home. His mother is soon forced to leave by his half brothers. Furthermore, KIT finds out that TING has transferred his hotel shares to a stranger KO FUNG, MARTIN (MA TAK CHUNG, JOE). FUNG comes for revenge. He swears to get hold of the whole hotel. In such an emergency, the brothers put their personal dispute aside and even form an alliance with their uncle CHENG WING FAT (KEUNG TAI WAI), who has had an eye on the hotel for a long time. Unfortunately, the vicious and merciless FUNG defeats them one by one. When FUNG finally stabilises his position in the WONG’s Group, he is shocked to find out that his girlfriend KOO PIK KEI, BECKY (KWOK HO YING, KENIX) has pursued him for some other reasons.

酒店大亨王玉廷離世後,王家隨即掀起一場爭產戰,三子啟傑(吳卓羲飾)離家出走,傑母遭兩位同父異母的兄長迫走。更甚者,傑此時發現父親早已將名下酒店股份轉給了一個名叫高峰(馬德鐘飾)的人! 原來峰是為報仇而來,誓要將酒店得到手。危城告急,三兄弟將個人恩怨放下,更不惜拉攏對王家產業一直虎視眈眈的舅父鄭永發(姜大偉飾)聯手對付峰,惟峰為人心狠手辣,眾人被逐一打垮。 峰在王氏集團的地位穩如泰山之際,赫然發現女友顧碧琦(郭可盈飾)走近自己原來別有用心。

Hotel tycoon WONG YUK TING’s family starts a legacy dispute immediately after his death. The third son KAI KIT (NG CHEUK HAI, RON) leaves home. His mother is soon forced to leave by his half brothers. Furtherm