Off Pedder - 畢打自己人
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Chiu (潮) Magazine is part of the Kam Bo Corporation, and has its offices on Pedder Street in Hong Kong (thus giving rise to the name of the series). The show centres on the politics of the Chiu (潮) and Kam Bo office, and the lives of the characters who work in this office.

Central to the plot are Yan Seung (Teresa Mo), who takes up a position early on in the series as editor of Chiu (潮). The initial plot focused on her rivalry with the Head of Sales, Susan Ka So-Shan (Elaine Jin). As more characters were introduced, the plot expanded to focus on Yim Yue Tai (Stephen Au) and Yu Ka Sing (Wayne Lai). How will these four individuals affect Pedder Street and who will become the ultimate leader of Chiu (潮) Magazine...?

資深傳人殷賞在成為《潮》雜誌總編前與該雜誌社營業部主管賈素珊因誤會結怨,賈素珊遂經常針對殷賞。殷賞前夫,亦即金波集團太子爺閆汝大浪遊回《潮》後,為免被其妹王麗薇奸計得逞,決定擠身董事局。 另一方面,余家昇因為在薇的官司過程中發生特殊的失憶事件,被薇「賞識」並邀請他加之金波旗下的《潮》雜誌擔任社長。汝大與麗薇的明爭暗鬥將更為劇烈。 汝大與殷賞的感情似斷還連,而與閆汝大本是多年釣友的余家昇與賞相處久了對賞亦漸覺欣賞,加上與殷賞青梅竹馬並一直暗戀着賞的包國仁,勢將上演一場四角關係。
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