Provocateur - 與諜同謀
TV Series
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After the deaths of his first and second wife, cosmetic mogul Cheuk Kwan-lam, known as "King", tries to turn over a new leaf. As fate would have it, he encounters a resourceful young man known as Ringo Poon, through whom he sees a younger version of himself. King develops a familial attachment towards Ringo. The young man also wins the favor of King's secretary Rachel Chan, who believes that Ringo would lead the company, Endless Beauty, to success. 

Rachel, still mourning over the disappearance of her husband Vincent many years ago, drowns herself with work. Endless Beauty, as well as King himself, becomes her sole purpose in life. Ringo exploits the trustRachel has in him, also winning King's approval. Little do they know that Ringo is actually secretly conspiring with a team of talented people on the sly to steal trade secrets from large corporations for money. Ringo has been planning this for years, seeking the best opportunity to take destructive revenge on Endless Beauty.


商場皇者 打造美容王國


商界奇才 隱藏黑暗計畫



利益當前 人性面臨考驗

