Armed Reaction 4 - 陀槍師姐4
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This story continues from Armed Reaction III by following our 4 main characters, Chen Siu Sang, Wai Ying Zi, Chen Sam Yuen, and Ching Fung intheir roles as enforcers of justice and emotionally involved men and women.

Wai Ying Zhi’s performance at work has given her confidence and her relationship with Siu Sang is now stable. However, a gap starts to form in their relationship as Siu Sung is very eager to get a married and start a family while Ying Zhi wants to focus on her career and get promoted to an inspector ranking first.

On the other hand, Chen Sam Yuen is pregnant and has been temporarilytransferred to the Traffic Formation wing while waiting for the upcoming birth. After experiencing all of these hardships, Sam Yuen has developed a new way of thinking and philosophy towards life. The once extremely career driven Sam Yuen’s new focus is now on the family, her husband, and her daughter. She is now truly a little housewife. Her husband Ching Fung’s career is reaching new heights as he is promoted toChief Inspector.

The criminal investigation part of the series involves Fung’s SpecialInvestigation Unit gaining evidence against the triad group Hung Ying.

陀槍精英原班人馬再度出擊,掃蕩黑幫以黑制黑。黑幫“洪英社”龍頭蔣權之女蔣天穎(張慧儀)與手下頭目麥耀東為爭奪地盤起爭執,權以社團龍頭身份主持大局,要東與穎劃定界線,各自為政。東對權的決定大表不滿,認為權偏袒穎。東肆意擴展業務,實行高調經營色情場所。警方見“洪英社”漠視法紀,於區內經營色情場所,遂以0記警司鍵(林文龍)為首,再以特遣隊及重案組配合,展開名為“火玫瑰”的大規模掃黃行動。由此引發一場警匪大戰……特遣隊高級督察生(歐陽震華)與姿(蔡少芬)共賦同居,但惡夢卻接踵而來,姿接二連三與生髮生衝突及誤會,終提出分手。另方面,三元(滕麗名)再度懷孕,卻被診斷出患上毒血症,如要扣住胎兒必須以自己的性命作賭注。重案組督察峰(魏駿傑)面臨家庭的重大危機之餘,另一方面又要打擊黑幫“洪英社”。就在正邪衝突達白熱化時,“洪英社”新任龍頭穎向峰示愛,峰將如何抉擇?重案組督察峰(魏駿傑飾)為蒐集黑幫“洪英社”新任龍頭穎(張慧儀飾)的犯罪證據,佯裝接受穎的追求。穎得其夫成展才協助,順利與毒販何濟合作販賣軟性毒品。警方臥底豪得知穎將有毒品交易,遂用波斯密碼通知峰交易地點,峰到場發現撲空,始知是穎設的局。豪臥底身份被穎揭發,峰為救豪與穎起爭執,才突然出現,一怒之下錯手殺害穎,並將事件嫁禍峰。 “洪英社”中人推舉才做龍頭掌管社團事條。峰在生日當天被才襲擊至重傷,才更將峰與其車一同推落海。特遣隊高級督察生(歐陽震華飾)查得才篤信命理,以峰是其剋星騙才入局,才拒捕終被生擊斃。另一方面,姿(蔡少芬飾)與O記警司鍵(林文龍飾)、生與法證部鑑證主任晴(蒙嘉慧飾)各自在感情上有新的發展,但晴卻在與生結婚前離港,姿鼓勵生追回晴。而三元(滕麗名飾)對峰的失踪仍存希望,深信峰尚在人間,繼續四處尋峰下落…