You Light Up My Life - 夢斷銀城
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A series about the ups and downs of life in the limelight as a bunch of carefree and ambitious young group joined an acting class and how love, jealousy, fame and hatred drove them to do what they did.

龍三(劉錫明飾)、高峰(李國麟飾)、唐占士(王書麒飾)及蔣明珠(羅慧娟飾)乃藝訓班同學,互相扶持,感情深厚。 畢業後,高峰夥拍當紅女星沈夢蝶(麥翠嫻飾),一炮而紅,龍三、明珠等羨慕不已。夢蝶看中龍三英偉,力捧龍三,龍三因而大出風頭,高峰妒忌不已。 龍三與明珠熱戀,夢蝶不滿,單方面宣布與龍三之婚事,龍三當眾否認,夢蝶出醜人前,因愛成恨,與高峰合謀三番四次陷害龍三,龍三逢凶化吉,反而聲名大噪,深受影迷愛戴。 夢蝶一計不成,買兇將龍三毀容,又安排富家子聶家寶(吳啟明飾)迷姦明珠,並誣告是龍三所為,明珠因而神經失常。占士找到證據指控家寶,被家寶錯手殺死,家寶命高峰佈局殺龍三,龍三中計,被殺手追殺…