Bar Bender - 潮爆大狀
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The series revolves around a fictional Hong Kong senior counsel named Tony Tseung (Adam Cheng). Senior Counsel Tseung is well known for winning 31 legal cases in a row, but is also notorious in legal circles for his unsavory (but ethical) tactics. He is also notorious for being retained as counsel by unscrupulous businessman Richard Ngai (Bill Chan). His focus on his legal career has also alienated family member and anyone romantically involved. His daughter, Stephanie Tseung (Leila Tong), particularly hates him for not only his modus operandi in legal battles (strike a victory on procedural errors, and not on evidence), but also on his neglect of family life.

All this changed when Tony was dealt a career blow by Richard. In an assault case involving Richard, Richard asked Tony's apprentice, Darren Li (Power Chan), to conspire in a conspiracy to bribe a witness and have him lie in court by professing amnesia. When Tony protested, Richard fired Tony, and cut off much of the businesses that came to his law firm. In the process, Tony lost his girlfriend, Sophie So (Anne Heung), to Richard. Tony drowned his sorrows in alcohol, and assaulted a foreigner at a bar. Tseung pleaded guilty to assault, and was sentenced to community service. That was where he began to rediscover the lost idealism and righteousness of his youth and met Chong Hiu-wai (Louisa So) who showed him there is more to life...

背叛公義的市儈大狀 香港著名資深大律師-蔣文滔(鄭少秋飾)是社會上典型的成功人士。滔能言善辯,說話尖酸刻薄。他喜歡擠身上流社會,結識權貴。最擅長就是幫有錢人打官司,最不擅長就是鋤強扶弱,樂善好施。 滔是富豪倪承坤(石修飾)的「御用大炮」(行內人稱資深律師為「大炮」)。為了幫坤趕走窮寡婦取回物業,滔竟用卑鄙手段,揭發這名寡婦跟坤亡父有染,寡婦當庭被滔質問至啞口無言,大感羞愧和淚流滿面。結果,法官判滔勝訴。而負責這單官司的法援處律政書記-莊曉慧(蘇玉華飾)就覺滔無恥,兩人也因此而成為對頭冤家。 助人為快樂之本 幾難打的官司到了滔手上也能起死回生。滔意氣風發,豈料坤又惹上官非,這趟更是涉嫌傷人。在他不知情底下,坤私下收買證人,結果官司贏了,但滔被警方懷疑教唆證人,還要接受大律師公會聆訊。滔與坤反目,坤更揚言要封殺他。因此,滔就是這樣開始替法援處打官司。 法援處是幫沒有經濟能力的人打官司,也即是幫低下階層爭取公義。令滔體會到甚麼是助人為快樂之本。 父女心結 不過,滔願意接法援的案件,還有一個更重要的原因,就是因為女兒蔣思庭(唐寧飾)在法援處工作,滔希望藉此接近女兒,修補父女關係。 當年,滔忙著交際應酬而疏忽家人,最終賠上家庭,與妻子宋綺華(韓瑪利飾)離婚,而庭就交給華撫養。時年,庭只得九歲。她一直認為滔沒盡丈夫和父親的責任,所以跟他存在難以彌補的隔膜。 庭當上執業大律師,目的是證明感情和事業是可以妥善兼顧,證明父親當年對家人的疏忽根本站不住腳,找不到藉口。 捲入串謀案 林家信(陳鍵鋒飾)跟滔工作多時,無意中,竟被他發現廿年前,父親被財務公司追債,而賤賣廠房,其實是財務公司跟買家串謀的佈局,而當年財務公司老板就是坤。 信千辛萬苦聯絡當年被逼賤賣物業的業主,一齊求助法援,而法援就外判給滔打官司,向坤的公司追討天文數字的差價。 但滔發覺廿年前這宗串謀案,自己是有份參與。當年他初出茅蘆,是跟另一名大狀一起工作,一齊給予承坤法律意見。他知道打這宗官司的話,就需要揭發以前的一切證據,而自己就隨時會被告違反專業操守。於是他內心深感矛盾,不斷掙扎。 滔會否走回舊路,背叛公義?庭傳召滔上庭作證,剛和好的父女關係,會否再受衝擊?滔因涉及這宗不道德買賣,違反了大律師操守,面對停牌危機,結果會怎樣?