When A Dog Loves A Cat - 當狗愛上貓
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Promise you love me, honor and keep me, for better or worse, in sickness and in health… CHOW CHI YU (Wu Myolie) once adopted a stray dog TAI PA but it brought virus to her father’s kennel and all the dogs inside are dead tragically. Since then, her older brother CHOW CHI JIM (Lui Fong) and sister-in-law SHUI TIN LAN (Tsang Wah Sin) have no choice but to open a pet shop for a living. Later, YU met TAI PA’s little brother SIU PA but her boyfriend YING HOI LEUNG (Wong Ho Yin) suggested her to keep it in an empty house nearby. MIU CHUN (Lo Ka Leung)’s girlfriend KAKA lost her life while saving her dog TAI PA in a traffic accident. CHUN was devastated and he abandoned the dog while keeping KAKA’s beloved cat CANCAN with him. CHUN moves in to his new home but he is enraged to discover SIU PA has been raising there secretly by YU, his neighbour as well as his coworker at advertising firm. While seeing each other day and night, the battle between the “cat” and the “dog” becomes never-ending. CHUN accidentally uncovers a secret relationship between YU and LEUNG. YU turns to CHUN for advice since she has found that LEUNG has affair with another woman. The two of them gradually develop feelings on each other but they don’t know how to express themselves. During the time, MAN CHI KEI (Liu Bernice Jan), the daughter of the big boss, suddenly pursues CHUN. CHUN finally realizes who his true love is but the timing is just not right…

你的終身承諾 不再讓我感情流浪 周自瑜(胡杏兒飾)曾因收留流浪狗大巴,令父親的狗場全部狗隻受病毒感染而死,連累哥哥周自沾(呂方飾)及阿嫂水天蘭(曾華倩飾)轉開寵物店為生,所以當遇上大巴的弟弟小巴時,只好聽從男友應海亮(黃浩然飾)的意見暫放小巴在隔鄰的空屋。 苗隼(羅嘉良飾)的女友嘉嘉為救愛犬大巴於車禍中喪生,苗隼自此性情大變,任牠淪為流浪狗,只願將愛留給嘉嘉的愛貓Cancan。當苗隼搬進新居時,赫然發現小巴,並得知是鄰居周自瑜所養,苗隼非常憤怒,令同屬一家廣告公司的二人從此勢成水火,公私內外,天天上演「貓狗大戰」。 自瑜與海亮的地下戀情不慎被苗隼知道,所以當自瑜發現海亮有第三者時惟向苗隼一人傾訴,苗隼突變成自瑜的愛情軍師,二人漸生感情卻無從開口,直至公司太子女文梓淇(廖碧兒飾)對苗隼展開追求,苗隼才曉悟所愛是誰。