Queen Of The MIC - 我的麦霸女友
Sonja is a typical Beijing girl, a clothing store to open in Korea inBeijing entrepreneurial girl, still Pa Mak , in her life, every day conformist alive, purchase, transfer cargo , sellers and weekly ktv party. Her sisters high Meili always wanted to give her to hurry to finda boyfriend, at a gathering ktv same single young emcee Song Shuang because the name was too close to her , and was referred to a pair of friends who laugh at passing notes the game clock , the two alternate good . After the meeting , due to the numerous liquor Song Shuang , Sonja and high Meili was carried home , the fate of two people from interwoven together. In a time of intercourse and again and again ktv party, Sonja and Song Shuang growing mutual understanding of each other ,and finally exchanges together, the two men had a happy childhood , butbecause the two sides and the emergence of a former boyfriend , but themoment of the Cold War . Sonja predecessor and Song Shuang childhood respective resorted to their own tricks to allow two people misunderstand deeper , and two people suffer in silence with love and not love choices and pressures. With the help of high balls under Meili and Song Shuang serve as Sonja held a private ceremony ktv confession , efforts to learn and sing a song "Little Love Song" to Sonja confession ,together with Sonja sweet
