In Youth - 趁我們還年輕
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A story revolving around a group of friends from university who enter into the workplace. 

 The kind and simple Lin Zi Yu (Qiao Xin) was fortunate enough to get a position at Feilin, an accomplished PR firm with a good reputation. Unfortunately, she immediately gets on the wrong side of her boss Fan Shu Chen (Leon Zhang) who is a genius in the field. At the same time, the company faces corporate leakages. 

 Fan Chu Chen suspects that Lin Zi Yu may be the culprit, and his three best friends each have their own opinions on Lin Zi Yu based on their respective interactions with her. To make matters more complicated, Fan Shu Chen's competitor Luo Zong Liang (Ethan Yao) steps out from the sidelines to reveal that he also has ties with Lin Zi Yu. Is she really a spy? Of course, along the way is a romance that blossoms amidst the corporate politics. 

 单纯善良的正义少女林子渝幸运的加入了菲林公关公司,却又很不幸的和她的天才上司隐富族樊书臣结下了梁子,工作中交恶频频,日子过的战战兢兢。谁料从林子渝加入公司那一天起,菲林公关 屡屡发生商业泄密事件,樊书臣怀疑的焦点集中在了林子渝身上,可是在与林子渝的一来二往中,两人却互相欣赏爱慕。樊书臣的另外三个死党朋友,也相续和林子渝产生了交集,对林子渝的身份各有推测,更让樊书臣一头雾水。随着公关危机的日渐显露,樊书臣的对手洛宗良浮出水面,原来他才是背后阴谋的制造者。而且洛宗良与林子渝的关系并不简单,难道林子渝真的是洛宗良派驻到曼林公关公司的高级商业间谍。樊书臣和林子渝都陷入了爱恨纠葛之间,但真相大白之后,在两人的共同努力下,不仅巧妙的惩罚了洛宗良,两人的爱情也终于开花结果。