7th Grade Civil Servant - 7급공무원
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This drama is an adaptation of the 2009 movie ‘My Girlfriend is an Agent‘.

This drama is a romantic comedy about a spy couple who hides their true identity from each other and at the same time illustrates about thelove, friendship and internal department conflicts between the new generation of national intelligence agents. In the drama, while hiding their true identities from each other, the couple fall in love with eachother.

Han Gil Ro (Joo Won)is a man who always wanted to be a spy ever since he watched the 007 series when he was little. He is a kind, affluent and stylish man. He finally makes it into the National Intelligence Service, but is hit withmany difficulties soon after. Meanwhile, Kim Seo Won (Choi Kang Hee) is an smart agent with brawn and looks but lacking in wealth. She’s works hard to support her family financially.

本名金慶子的金書媛(崔江姬飾),因家境貧困,做多份兼職賺錢讀大學,她更為了生活費,答應開婚友公司的同學,冒充其公司會員,賺取黑市報酬,與本名是韓弼勛的富二代韓吉路(周元飾) 相親,但原來吉路只是奉母命相親,二人卻因而結下不解之緣…… 吉路夢想成為如電影中007般出色的特務,他未有因成績未達標而放棄成為國情院幹員,他一再重考並獲得面試機會;而書媛原想入電視台工作,於是報考了與電視台考試相似的國情院,誰知面試時竟遇上吉路,二人更被取錄,一同受訓。其後,吉路被開除,令一眾學員感到驚訝,其實吉路是另有特別任務,他要隱藏特工身份並負起保護父親安全的責任。不過國情院訓育官又派書媛到吉路父親公司工作,並要她親近吉路,藉以取得吉路父親勾結犯罪份子的重要文件,可是書媛卻愛上了吉路,面對兩難局面,書媛如何是好?與書媛兩情相悅的吉路知道真相後,二人的情緣會否就此告終?