Mother Strikes Back (Cantonese) - 婆媳大鬥法
婆媳關係是亙古不變的家庭難題,小如一個結,大則一場劫,困擾著一代代已婚婦女,連身兼兒子、丈夫雙重身份的「一家之主」也常束手無策。家庭主婦水澤麻子(黑木瞳飾),結婚二十多年來,一直生活在家姑的威嚴下,吞下無數委屈,終於盼到家姑過世,以為可以從此過好日子。可惜好景不常,過了兩年舒心日子,自己便要「榮升」家姑! 因為麻子的兒子水澤優太(郭智博飾)與女友李里香(相武紗季飾)突然宣佈結婚。


Asako Mizusawa (Hitomi Kuroki)suffers from her mother-in-law's abuse. Finally, her mother-in-law diesand Asako is relieved of her nightmare like existence. Two years later,her only son Yuta (Tomohiro Kaku) wants to marry Ririka (Saki Aibu). Asako and her husband Hiroyuki (Junichi Ishida)oppose their marriage. As a condition for their acceptance, Asako asks to live with them. Asako thinks Ririka will say no and give up marrying her son, but Ririka accepts the condition. Yuta and Ririka finally marry.

On the day Yuta and Ririka come back from their honeymoon, Asako doesn't know how to deal with them. Her husband Hiroyuki has yet to comehome. Asako and Ririka begin to drink and they talk about Asako's deceaesd mother-in-law and her husband Hiroyuki's affair. While talking,they become comfortable and familiar with each other.

The next morning, Asako wakes up and learns that Ririka has already prepared breakfast. Asako happens to overhear a conversation from Ririka. Asako feels she can't trust Ririka anymore. A missing person case occurs with one of their neighbors. Detectives then arrive at their home.