The Old Miao Myth - 老洞
TV Series
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Thirty years ago, a man of Miao descent asked Tse Kong (Lau Siu-ming) to keep a statue called the "Old Cave" on his behalf, telling him that the statue can allow him to become wealthy. Tse Kong soon makes a fortune, and became a tycoon in Shanghai, dominating both the police and underworld. However, Tse becomes intoxicated with Gu poison. Tse's friend Hao Cheung-ching (Ho Pik-kin) unscrupulously informs the secret of the "Old Cave" to the Japanese. Tse's second son Seung-wai (Stephen Tung), who is slightly neurotic, falls in love with female spy Yip Ching-wah (Fu Yuk-lan). Although Seung-wai knows that Ching-wah is getting close to him to steal the "Old Cave", he does not debunk her. Tse's third son Seung-cho (Andy Lau) is confidant and stable. Although he is greatly trusted by his father, Seung-wai has no interest in taking over the family business. Seung-cho and Chin Pong (Ray Lui) are close friends, but they both fall in love with Cho's classmate Yan So-sam (Patrica Chong). Difficult to choose between friendship and love, the three of them fall into a tangled love triangle. At this time, Ching-wah mysteriously dies, while Wai disappears with the "Old Cave". The influence of the Tse family have since declined, with strange things occurring and disasters coming one after another. Whether all this is manipulated by a culprit or caused by an unknown divine force, it is all unknown.

三十年代,上海大亨謝罡﹝劉兆銘飾﹞雄霸黑白兩道,他的發跡非常傳奇。 三十多年前,謝罡曾深入苗疆,適逢荊苗與生苗兩族火併,危急之際,謝罡被一苗人託以神像老洞,說老洞能令他致富,並將半邊銅錢交給他,作為日後取回老洞之信物。回上海後,謝罡雖發跡,然亦身中蠱毒。 謝罡之好友夏長清得知老洞秘密,見利忘義,將秘密賣給日本人。後長清死,將義子展邦﹝呂良偉飾﹞交託謝罡照顧。 謝罡有三子一女。長子尚荊﹝關聰飾﹞衝動暴戾。次子尚瑋﹝董瑋飾﹞略帶神經質,日本人派出女間諜葉清華﹝傅玉蘭飾﹞接近尚瑋,藉此混入謝家偷取神像。尚瑋愛上清華,雖知其來意,卻為她隱瞞。謝罡三子尚楚﹝劉德華飾﹞為人冷靜自信,深得父信任,但卻不想接管父生意,只允保管老洞。尚楚與邦友好,兩人同時喜歡甄素心﹝莊靜而飾﹞。 清華離奇死亡,尚瑋與神像同時失蹤,謝家家勢亦每況愈下,一連串神秘事件接踵而來,劇情懸疑曲折。