Colours of Love - 森之愛情
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10 episodes of mini-series, Sammy Leung will be playing different characters and collaborating with his good friends. When love is taken for granted or faced with admiration, adultery or appearance of a third party, it will bring out different attitudes of love in people. Ten different characters, which one will be a reflection of Sammy's true self? How will he treat love?

十個愛情故事,十種不同的戀愛態度 森美會在十個單元劇中,演出不同的角色,夥拍多位圈中好友演出《森之愛情》,通過當愛戀成習慣、暗戀、忘年戀、偷情、第三者等故事,帶出都市人不同的戀愛態度。 十個森美,哪一個會是他的真身?他會如何對待愛情?原來他骨子裡對愛情是如此認真,不苟言笑:「當愛情感覺美好,覺得發展下去是甜蜜的時候,就很想結婚。正如當你知道餐後有美味的甜品時,你會很想快點吃完,去吃那道甜品。我相信愛情去到最後一步是甜蜜的。」又一次估他不到。