Beyond The Realm of Conscience - 宮心計
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"Beyond the Realm of Conscience" is a Chinese TV drama revolving aroundthe intrigues at the Emperor's palace during the Tang period. Maincharacters, Yiu Gam Ling (Tavia Yeung) and Lau Sam Ho (Charmaine Sheh)are lowly maids at the palace, that had to endure maltreatment ofhigher-placed officers, responsible for, e.g., food and beverages,furnishings, jewelry and wardrobe. As the entire system is stronglyhierarchical the plot is full of intrigues revolving around thecharacter's attempts to get higher in the hierarchy. As the dramaproceeds both Yiu Gam Ling and Lau Sam Ho succeed in obtaining higherpositions at the court: Yiu Gam Ling by seducing the Emperor and LauSam Ho due to her talents. Not only is Yiu Gam Ling now in trouble withthe Emperor's concubine, the friendship of Yiu Gam Ling and Lau Sam Hostarts to break down. Both ladies have power, and to complicate thethings further both of them are in love with the same palace guard!

劇情以唐朝宮廷為背景,講述為王後准備服飾的尚宮四房內的明爭暗斗。以唐朝後宮為背景,道盡後宮女人心事心計。佘詩曼飾演的宮女劉三好,憑藉“存好心、說好話、做好事”的三好精神,在復雜的後宮爭斗中熬得出頭天,並與“绯聞情侶”鄭嘉穎在劇中發展一段頗似“大長今和闵大人”的浪漫愛戀。  劉三好(佘詩曼飾)和姚金鈴(楊怡飾)是宮中的一對金蘭...  劇情以唐朝宮廷為背景,講述為王後准備服飾的尚宮四房內的明爭暗斗。以唐朝後宮為背景,道盡後宮女人心事心計。佘詩曼飾演的宮女劉三好,憑藉“存好心、說好話、做好事”的三好精神,在復雜的後宮爭斗中熬得出頭天,並與“绯聞情侶”鄭嘉穎在劇中發展一段頗似“大長今和闵大人”的浪漫愛戀。