Before Dawn - 愛在暴風的日子
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In order to save her father, Yi (Lai Mei Han) had to put up with the corrupted cops and triad members who frequently harrassed her. Life was like hell for her. Fortunately, her friend Man (Lam Man Lung) took her away and they headed for Hong Kong to start a new life. They were met with the police when they arrived and Yi managed to escape. Man, however, got arrested and was sent to prison. Yi promised to wait for him. It was a shocking blow to her when she was told of his sudden death. She was on the brink of collapse. Then she met Chun (Alex Fong), a devoted sergeant and they got along well. Chun and his subordinate Chu (Marco Ngai) had been fighting Kwan, head of a powerful gang, and Kwan in revenge, kidnapped Yi. Chun risked his life to save Yi and she was touched. The two fell for each other. Then to Yi’s surprise, Man reappeared. He was the wanted serial killer that Chun was hunting! Torn between the only two persons she loved, what could Yi do?

 林青兒(黎美嫻飾)自幼隨父親逃難至澳門相依為命,青兒一生遇上兩段刻骨銘心、盪氣迴腸的愛情,除了炮仗廠會計員張楚文(林文龍飾),她與年輕探長駱俊(方中信飾),亦有一段情。 青兒為救落難父親,受盡警官與黑幫頭子蹂躪,幸得好友楚文冒死相救。五十年代的香港龍蛇混雜,青兒與楚文偷渡至香港,楚文不幸被警方逮捕,青兒承諾等他出獄,怎知噩耗傳來,青兒接獲楚文服刑期間猝死的消息。 青兒悲痛之餘,惟有獨自面對將來,更邂逅了廉潔正義的香港探長駱俊。駱俊及下屬周鐵柱(魏駿傑飾)與過江探長洪坤發生衝突,洪坤擄走青兒,駱俊獨闖虎穴救回青兒,二人由此種下深厚感情。後駱俊接手調查連串殺人事件,並在過程中發現該殺手原來竟是楚文……