Beyond the Rose Garden - 再見十九歲
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Orphans Ma Tianyou childhood growingup in a monastery in Macau , was taking care of the Sisters Connie , relationship as mother and son duo . Kang nuns on Tianyou life experience also informed of a very long , but has been reluctant to tellthe total truth . Nineteen years old, God Bless decided to come to HongKong to take advantage of holidays alone to find the whereabouts of thebiological parents . God Bless period were met von retired doctor and sojourn in Fengjiashan as maid . Twists and turns , God Bless and Wang recognize a more first tasted the warmth of family , until the daughter of the royal Ashanti feelings occur , due to the relationship between brother and sister , only sadly returned to Macau.

God Bless Kang nuns learned experiences and emotional troubles, some inner struggle , finally revealed to him a painful past. God Bless the father had been the son of Feng Feng, about the ceremony . Twenty years ago, Kang nuns and von ceremony was originally about a pair of lovers , friends Yung Kang nuns also fell in love with Feng Xiaomei about ritual ,and a relationship with him , Kang nun after learning greatly stimulated, disillusioned . And God Bless the capacity晓梅生next , then died giving birth , dying before the son,托康nuns care.

God Bless his own life experience learned the secret of nature ‘s father quite uninhibited romantic accepted , due to ill grandfather , God Bless stay Feng , an increasing contacts with his father , his father began to have changed...


