This series, based on the classic novel of the same title, stars Dicky Cheung as the well-loved Monkey King Sun Wu Kong. Wu Kong is a playful and proud warrior with a tendency to create chaos everywhere he goes. Deep inside, he has a good heart and Buddha recognizes it. In order to tame Wu Kong, Buddha imprisons him under the Five-Finger Mountain (五指山) for five hundred years before assigning him the task of accompanying a monk Tang San Zang on his sacred journey to the West.
Along the way, they meet the lazy Pig (Wayne Lai), who was actually aSky Commander in his past life but sent to Earth as a punishment due tohis lust, and the misguided Sha Wu Jing (Evergreen Mak). After losing to a battle with Wu Kong, both Pig and Wu Jing are accepted as disciplesby Tang San Zang.
The three loyal disciples and Tang San Zang encounter numerous tests before finally succeeding in their journey.