The Legend Of The Condor Heroes (1994) - 射鵰英雄傳 1994
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In the Sung Dynasty, the Kwok’s and the Yeung’s were being wiped out. Luckily, Ching (Julian Cheung) from the Kwok’s survived and was brought up by the Seven Strangers in the desert. The Seven Strangers also taught him their Kungfu. Then, he met the lovely and witty Yung (Athena Chu) and they fell in love with each other. They set out for a journey and met Kung (Lau Dan) and Tung (Lai Yiu Cheung). They both taught Ching their knowledge in Kungfu. Meanwhile, Hong (Gallen Lo) of the Yeung’s was adopted by Lit and became a prince. When he learnt that Lit was in fact the one who killed his real father, he was shocked. But he still honored Lit as his father since he wanted his wealth and power. Then Hong discovered that Ching had possession of the two most invaluable books about Kungfu, he therefore set Ching up and tried to get the books for himself…

 南宋中葉,郭、楊兩家無辜慘遭滅門,其後人各散東西,展開了一段不解的兩代情仇。 郭家後人郭靖(張智霖飾)於大漠成長,為人正直堅毅,自小得江南七怪傳授武藝。一次南下江南,結識了精靈活脫的黃蓉(朱茵飾),二人展開了一段生死相許的感情及武林奇遇。機緣巧合下,郭靖先後習得北丐洪七公(劉丹飾)之降龍十八掌及周伯通(黎耀祥飾)之武林絕學《九陰真經》,令郭靖之武藝大進。 那邊廂,楊家後人楊康(羅嘉良飾)為金人完顏洪烈收養,貴為太子。及後楊康與郭靖相認,更查出完顏洪烈為殺父仇人,可惜楊康竟為利慾吸引,認賊作父。後楊康得悉郭靖身懷《九陰真經》絕學及得知蓋世兵書《武穆遺書》之下落,竟聯同西毒歐陽鋒,誓要從郭靖身上取得兩本絕學,更不惜殺死郭靖之師父江南七怪,嫁禍東邪黃藥師,欲借刀殺人,令郭靖進一步走向死亡陷阱之中。 其時武林大會「華山論劍」舉行在即,武林絕學《九陰真經》成為各派爭奪目標,郭靖更是眾矢之的,一場武林浩劫即將展開!