Fight for Love - 談談情 練練武
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KIT (LAM BOWIE) is a promotion manager of a computer company. He is sent to Beijing for a re-education programme. He does not expect that martial art is one of the courses he has to attend. There he meets his enemies JOYCE (KWOK SONIJA), who is a singer, and SHUI (TANG KIN WANG, PATRICK), who he sacked earlier. JOYCE practises martial arts to help her break into the US market. They suddenly all let go of their hatred towards each other and direct it towards their coach ZHANG (CHEN ZHI HUI). KIT fancies the assistant coach DAN (GONG BEI BI), who has a boyfriend already. As time goes by, KIT, JOYCE and SHUI realize that ZHANG is tough on them for their own good. They finally respect and build up a friendship with him. Upon his return to Hong Kong, KIT resigns when he finds out that his position has been taken up by someone else. JOYCE’s position is also usurped by new-comers. They suddenly feel close to each other. When they get closer, JOYCE denies their relationship for the sake of advancing her career. Meanwhile, DAN comes to Hong Kong to work in order to help her boyfriend realize his dream. KIT and DAN start dating which upsets JOYCE. However, she is too proud to ask him back.

 吳家傑(林保怡飾)是電腦公司的推廣經理,被公司派往北京參加培訓計劃。傑沒想到,計劃竟包括艱辛的武術課程!更叫傑意外的是,他竟在武術學院重遇工作上的宿敵女歌星殷彩兒(郭羡妮飾)和被他辭退了的公司信差林木水(鄧健泓飾)。這三個本來話不投機的香港人,身處異地捱苦受訓,不惜拋棄前嫌,連成一線,視一絲不苟的北京武術教練孫正(陳之輝飾)為共同敵人。 家傑對武術助教何丹(龔蓓苾飾)有好感,可惜她另有所愛。武術學院朝夕相對的日子,讓家傑、彩兒和木水終於明白到正的嚴格訓練,只為培養他們的堅毅精神,三人不禁對孫正改觀,家傑更與孫正成了莫逆之交。 回到香港,家傑發現大權已失,便憤而辭職。另方面,彩兒的地位亦被新晉女歌手取替了。家傑和彩兒同病相憐,於是一同創業。當家傑以為與彩兒可以再進一步時,彩兒卻因事業有起色而否認戀情。此時,何丹為了助男友完成夢想而來香港當動作替身。家傑與何丹愛火重燃,彩兒看在眼裡滿不是味兒,卻因尊嚴而開不了口。