Broadcast Life - FM701
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Argumentative, sarcastic and smart girl, KUNG MING LI (CHAN SUK LAN, SHELLA) is invited to join the radio station FM701. There she meets CHANG KWOK PO (CHEUNG TAT MING) and YU TAK LUK (KOK TAK CHIU, VINCENT) who have embarrassed and humiliated her before. PO is very smart but a bit sneaky, so he only has a small post in the station. He and LUK together form a partnership, named ‘Traffic Marios’, and report the traffic news. LUK is honest and simple-minded. He is sometimes friendly but occasionally unpleasant towards PO. LI is asked to work with PO and LUK for a new show. She quite often yells at and teases them for revenge. These ‘Marios’ of course will not let her beat them and fight back when the time is right. The three of them quarrel with each other leading to lots of hilarious jokes. The newsreader in their station, NAM NAM (SIU SUET, ELLE) is a beauty and attracts a lot of followers including PO and LUK. They try every way to make NAM happy in order to date her. Later, PO meets a young mainland Chinese physician, ANG (CHEUNG SUN YUN, NICOLA), who has recently come to Hong Kong. PO gives his heart to ANG as she is very pretty, lively and has a good figure. Who will win NAM’s heart, PO or LUK? How will they defend against LI’s attacks day by day?

鍾國寶生性古惑懶散,與勤力笨拙的袁德祿一起在電台工作,做的是報告交通消息的二打六,地位雖是低微,倒也消遙快活。電台收聽率日低,名緩才女上官明莉被邀加盟,主持清談節目,開咪當日,明莉誤聽國寶和德祿所報的交通消息,連番撞板,醜態盡露,自此對二人自然恨之入骨。鍾國寶和袁德祿以為必炒無疑,怎料反成為上官明莉之節目監製,原來上官明莉故意留下兩人,好作長期磨折,且要二人同做一份監製工作,一份人工兩份分,等同減薪,國寶和德祿從此求生不得,求死更是不能! 為求有出頭之日,國寶和德祿一方面力抗上官明莉的百般磨折,另方面又互相整蠱,期望對方被炒,則自己可獨佔監製之職,於是,一個「奇怪三人組」從此出現播音界;光怪陸離的社會現像變成節目內三人的暗箭明槍,人性笑料源源不絕!上官明莉終日有心為難二人,責令國寶和德祿二十四小時隨傳隨到,兩人被迫合租電台附近一單位,鄰居之中,有一大陸女中醫名叫打比阿銀,熱情可親,引得兩人心猿意馬,兩人各出其謀之際,赫然發現打比阿銀竟是國寶的養女! 另一方面,上官明莉年青時的兩段婚姻,不單帶來豐厚的贍養費,更帶來兩個前夫妻子所生的哎吔女兒--女西醫司徒雅頌和女律師歐陽晴,三人雖只是名義上的母女,上官明莉卻常利用這些特殊關係,大撿好處。而國寶和德祿發現明莉有兩個如此高貴漂亮的女兒,雙雙視為心中女神,兩人明知若被上官明莉知道必死無疑,但仍暗中追求,又驚又喜,又惊又騰,引發笑料無限!
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