An Oriental Odyssey - 盛唐幻夜
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Based off Miao Juan's novel. In Tang Dynasty, the chivalrous eldest daughter of the Assistant Minister of Revenue, Ye Yuan An, saves Mu Le, an amnesiac young man of mysterious identity. Yuan An takes Mu Le in as a family servant, and the latter swears his loyalty to her. Along with Zhao Lan Zhi, a constable, the trio solve cases after cases together. But what is Mu Le's true identity?

《盛唐幻夜》講述了葉遠安、穆樂、趙瀾之、明慧郡主等人在破案過程中鬥智斗勇的故事。盛唐洛陽,戶部侍郎千金葉遠安好打抱不平,在一起花魁被殺案中,誤打誤撞,結識了英勇的捕頭趙瀾之。兩人攜手破案,相識相知。遠安從集市上救了一個身份神秘的失憶男子穆樂,收為家僕,豈料一根筋的穆樂對自己絕對忠誠,漸漸萌發愛戀痴念 ...