Dragon Love - 人龍傳說
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Following ‘Journey To The West’ and ‘Dark Tales’, a romantic but afflictive legend ‘Dragon Love’ is brought to TV audience with the help of advanced digital technology. YU (YUEN KIT YING, FENNIE), an innocent, good-natured female dragon has trespassed on the human world in order to learn to create rain and clouds. Having disguised herself as a human, YU is much delighted to fool around. On the way she meets the honest charitable HEI (CHAN HO MAN, BENNY) and they fall for each other straight away. It is believed that anyone who is in love with a dragon will definitely be an object of a terrible curse. Sadly, it turns out true and though the whole world is going topsy-turvy out of their relationship described as most unnatural, they still reject to give up. CHU (CHIN KA LOK), HEI’s soulmate since childhood, is strong-minded, quick-tempered and is exceptionally proficient in martial arts. He regards dragons as the root of all evil and so commits himself to killing them throughout his life. One day, CHU goes uphill to capture dragons and there he encounters the stunningly beautiful PRINCESS CRESCENT (CHEUNG NICOLA). He soon gets infatuated with PRINCESS CRESCENT who, on the other hand, is madly attracted to HEI. How do they ultimately sort out their complex relationships with one another?

率性天真的龍女(袁潔瑩飾),偶降人間學習佈雲施雨。她本欲嬉戲於人間,偏偏被濟世為懷、品性謙厚的葉希(陳浩民飾)所深深吸引,二人更展開一段稍瞬即逝的淒美愛情。但「人龍相戀,必遭天譴」,詛咒應驗,弄致天翻地覆,惟他們激情仍未減…… 另一方面,希母收養長大的養子周處(錢嘉樂飾),性格剛烈,武功高強,後來他與父相認後認定龍為萬惡之源,遂立志以屠龍為己任。處巧遇美若天仙的新月公主(張燊悅飾),展開了若即若離的苦戀故事。惜天意弄人,新月公主竟愛上希!究竟這段四角關係又如何了斷?