Class of Distinction - 阿Sir 早晨
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Class of Distinction is a modern series/drama about a family and their relationships. Leon plays the oldest son of the family. He lives with his father (played by Wong Jing), mother, grandmother, uncle (Law Ka Ying), younger brother and younger sister. In the beginning of the series, he works for an advertising agency. However, because of some misunderstandings, he leaves his job and his best friend Jessica urges him to become a substitute teacher at the high school which she teaches at. He agrees, and thus begins his life as a teacher. At first, the students dislike him, but after many trials, they come to accept him and does not want him to leave. Therefore, at the end he decides to continue teaching and does not accept a position that another advertising company offers him.

At the same time, a new counselor, Teresa, comes to the high school. She is Louis' ex-girlfriend. Later on, Leon falls in love with her and they date for a while. Jessica also falls for Leon. After many years of being best friends, Jessica realizes that she loves Leon. In the end, Leon and Jessica remain friends and Leon and Teresa are together. Another humorous relationship which the series focuses on is Wong Jing's relationship with his wife and another woman. He separates with his wife, but at the end, realizes that he loves his wife the most.

Louis dated Teresa while they went to college. Louis was grateful to Teresa's family for lending him money to go to college. However, he does not love her. In Hong Kong, he meets Leon's younger sister and they end up dating. Teresa comes back to Hong Kong looking for him, hoping to get married. However, they break up and Louis stays with Leon's sister.

Jessica also has another relationship in the series. She dates a boring doctor who has an extremely anal personality. He has an obsession with cleanliness. After a while, Jessica can't stand his personality and breaks up with him.

天王偶像黎明與多位圈中好友携手演出無綫劇集「阿Sir早晨」,飾演一個充滿熱誠幹勁的年青老師,在學校、家庭、感情各方面的特別遭遇。 祝大保(黎明)失意廣告界,得紅顏知己章心怡(宣萱)介紹到學校任職代課教師。他在學校裡認識了社工方同心(李綺虹),啟發了他對頑皮學生要多加關懷,及誨教不倦的態度。保因為人真誠,亦漸受學生愛戴,成為春風化雨的阿Sir。 保女朋友唐寶珊(張慧儀)貪慕虛榮捨他而去,保傷心之餘,對心生傾慕,可惜她早已有男朋友陸建材(古天樂)。後怡又對保萌愛意。保處於微妙的男女感情中,不知如何取捨。 另一方面,保父(黃霑)自命風流,弄得母(李影)嚷著要分居,而他的舅父(羅家英)又常與祖母(夏萍)鬥嘴,這個淘氣家庭,令保頭大如斗!