Till When Do Us Part - 冤家宜結不宜解
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The story started when Kenix Kwok found out that her boyfriend is cheating on her (I think) and broke up with him. That was also when Lawrence Ng broke up with his girlfriend (Melissa Ng). Lawrence met Kenix when she was sitting out in the rain crying. Three months later, they got married. Emily Kwan plays the annoying aunt of Kenix. Emily always tells Kenix that marrying Lawrence is not a good choice. Kenix and Lawrence didn't live well with each other and seven months after they married, she decided to get a divorce with him and said it aloud atthe wedding of Lawrence's brother. Emily was the first one to support the decision. Kenix and Emily got together and went to find a place for Kenix to live in but Kenix didn't have enough money so she moved back into the apartment that she and Lawrence shared. The story continues on how the two still love each other but they both can't admit it until theend.

