Web Of Love - 網上有情人
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Tung (Bobby Au Yeung) is a successful salesman. He comes to know Hung (Maggie Shiu) when he substitutes a class for his friend. Hung is very eager to learn and keeps asking questions. Tung thinks she is being difficult so he turns nasty. The two became an odd couple. They go through a lot before they turn into friends. Hung’s younger sister Lan (Margaret Chung) is an undergraduate studying journalism. She bets Tung’s brother Nam (Lo Man Kit) with who she makes friends through the Internet, would fall in love with her. When discovers this, he leaves her in anger. Then Tung discovers his net-friend Hay (Astrid Chan) is the mistress of his boss Wa (Ken Chan). Wa then frames Tung and charges him. In order to help Tung, Hay reveals her relationship with Wa. Tung is touched. Torn between Hay and Hung, what will Tung do?

 貿易公司營業主任郭浩東(歐陽震華飾)為人圓滑,口才了得。一次當代課老師,認識了超齡女生莊惠紅(邵美琪飾)。惠紅好學不倦,不斷發問,令浩東啞口無言。浩東以為惠紅有心作對,遂處處針對她。後因浩東幫惠紅照顧其頑皮的小姨甥,二人才冰釋前嫌,更發展成情侶。 惠紅妹莊惠蘭(鍾麗淇飾)乃大學傳理系高材生。惠蘭透過電腦互聯網結識了浩東弟郭浩南(魯文傑飾),並和同學打賭可令浩南拜倒她裙下。浩南不虞有詐,與惠蘭展開戀情,後揭發惠蘭存心戲弄,盛怒下與她分手! 時浩東與其上司陳家華(陳啟泰飾)之私人助理兼秘密情人鄧鳳喜(陳芷菁飾)成為網上好友,卻被家華誤會二人有姦情,更設計陷害浩東。浩東憤而辭職,但家華仍不心息,誘使浩東損友誣蔑浩東,令浩東遭警方起訴。浩東無助,幸得鳳喜不顧一切出庭指證家華,才獲判無罪。