When Dreams Come True - 夢想成真
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Po Ka Shing (Lui Fong), Lee Sheung (Lui Chung Yin, Jackie) and Yip Yee Mong (Mui Siu Wai) are old friends who have not seen each other for 18 years. They meet again in a millennium gathering and discover that they still have nothing after all these years. Sheung therefore suggests opening a company that helps others to fulfill their dreams. They name it “Dreams Come True”. Their first customer is an over-bearing, married woman, Cheung Mei Chun (Hsuan Jessica Hester) who requests them to get back the sweet, loving feelings between her and her husband, Yuen Man Tak (Kwok Yiu Ming, Mark). While trying to carry out the task, they discover that Tak commits adultery. Chun and Tak eventually break up. As a result, Chun refuses to pay the bill. While they are arguing with each other for this, the three discover that Chun is one of their long-lost friends during childhood. Chun therefore decides to join the company. Chun is a mean woman and others always have negative comments on her. However, Shing has discovered her tender-heart while she tries to express her true feelings in front of Tak. Shing is touched by her devotion to love and gradually falls in love with her. At the same time, Tak discovers that Chun is the granddaughter of the millionaire Wong Hei Hing (Chor Yuen). In order to get a share of Hing’s asset, Tak tries to reconcile with Chun. Chun is caught in a dilemma but she finally chooses Shing for his unconditional love. Knowing that his plan doesn’t work, Tak tries to cheat Hing with a falsely claimed granddaughter. He also uses money to deprave Sheung… Will Sheung betray his friends and leave the company? How would their friendship and love relationships develop?

 三個年紀相若的街童:寶家成(呂方飾)、李想(呂頌賢飾)、葉綺夢(梅小惠飾),十八年後偶遇,三人竟同樣是一無所有,更加入失業大軍,李想靈機一觸,提議合辦一所替人尋找失物的公司,名為「快夾妥失物尋找有限公司」。 公司的第一個客人,是尖酸霸道的少婦張美真(宣萱飾),美真要求三人替其她尋回相機,但中途竟揭發了其夫袁敏達(郭耀明飾)有外遇的秘密,美真婚姻破裂,反口不付賬,爭持之下,眾竟發現美真為失散多年的舊街坊,四人相認,美真決定入股公司。 當大家都為鞏固一手所創立的事業而努力,家成處處關懷美真,更靜靜為美真做好海邊小屋的裝修,美真也為之感動,二人感情剛剛萌芽,後來敏達出現經濟危機又發現美真為富豪王喜慶(楚原飾)的外孫女,敏達卻為貪財要求與美真舊情復熾,對她窮追不捨,美真左右搖擺,令家成傷痛。美真左右為難,但最終被家成之真誠所打動。敏達最終事敗。 另一邊廂,李想希望挽回與分居妻子鄭詠琪(姚瑩瑩飾)的婚姻,可惜愈弄愈糟,反而令追求者梁恩東(鄭子誠飾)有機可乘,李想也與新歡Flora(郭少芸飾) 糾纏不清,但這對分居夫婦漸漸發覺對對方還有感覺,最後破鏡重圓,一家團聚。 綺夢少年時收到一封「四眼仔」的情信,被信中的真情感動,從那時起便愛上了寫情信的少年,但苦等了十數年仍毫無頭緒,直至十八年後,一次老虎岩街舊坊眾聚合,綺夢始發現自己暗戀的人正是朝夕相對的鄰居余永發(阮兆祥飾),永發的真愛最終贏得綺夢的芳心。 在喜慶的大壽當日,始知道美真就是自己失散多年的外孫女,最後大團圓結局。眾人尋回自己失去的東西,夢想成真。