Women On The Run - 窈窕熟女
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MA SIU PO (TANG LAI MING, JOYCE), CHAN BONG NI BONNIE (NG WING MEI, CHRISTINE), CHU CHU YVONNE (HAMNETT BELINDA) and LI CHUN CHUN (YUEN KING DAN) were good friends at secondary school. Before they know it, they have all passed their prime time for getting married. PO is an outstanding policewoman. The number of people she has arrested outnumbers the number of men she has attracted. NI runs a successful PR firm, but has less success in love. CHU is a cafe owner who believes more in sensibility than in sense, and always goes round in the love game. CHUN is a fortune-teller. She knows all kinds of tricks to match other people together, but fails to do it for herself. Although these four women live their lives calmly, they are impatient for their true love to show up. The four meet a handsome and desirable man respectively. Unfortunately, the man dies suddenly, turning them all into murder suspects. The “Best Detective” KERRY BUD (CHAN PAK CHEUNG) takes over the case. His mean insults constantly make fun of the women’s eagerness to be married, which they can’t deny. They feel aggrieved by the fact that only BUD can help them to solve the case. Everything is governed by fate. The four women seem unable to rid themselves of the hated BUD from the moment he enters their lives.

 所謂「三個女人一個墟」!「四個女人核廢堆」!四個未嫁,又恨嫁的女人聚在一起,其殺傷之強,可媲美原子彈爆發,所向披靡!而唯一可以與之抗衡的,就是另一股世紀力量「九級半地震」─世上絕無僅有的口臭寸男─神探畢奇理! 四個標梅已過的女子:李真真、陳邦妮、朱珠、馬小寶,本是「培真女子中學」同學,情如姐妹;四女畢業後,不約而同搬入同一幢大廈全美樓,四個不同單位。 李真真是一名玄學神婆,但卻能醫不自醫,多年來在情場打滾,卻未能為自己覓得良緣。陳邦妮在大廈開設一人的公關公司,一心高攀上流社會,抱著終歸有日「飛上枝頭變鳳凰」的心態,繼續奮鬥下去!外表洋化、內裡傳統的朱珠常被誤會為易來易去的放蕩女子,令朱珠空付出真情,每每受傷。馬小寶是差婆一名,性格剛烈,大情大性,但仍希望覓得一位雄糾糾的男子漢作如意郎君。 本來四女應可自我封閉地活在自我的保護罩當中,直到某一日發生了一件事! 全美樓的屎渠淤塞,一個健碩粗獷的通渠佬出現,為眾女解決疑難,但未幾,即發現渠王陳屍垃圾房,四女頓成疑兇。焦急無計之時,以認叻為習慣、窒人為嗜好,人稱至叻神探的畢奇理來調查此懸案。 畢奇理舉止囂張霸道、自大非常,可謂得罪人多稱呼人少,但他天生聰明絕頂,I.Q.爆棚,觀察力強且轉數極高。 奇理指出四女可能被渠王所迷,所以被以偷竊為實的渠王入屋偷竊,因而懷恨將渠王殺死,四女對奇理囂張口臭的態度甚為不滿,要合力抗衡奇理。 但正所謂愈駁愈出事,奇理見四女死撐到底,更誓要令四女醜態百出,四女被奇理踢爆秘密,頓時啞口。不過奇理並不是只要作弄四女,其實在踢爆四女的過程中,奇理已查出真正的兇手。 雖然奇理為四女洗脫嫌疑,但四女因被奇理踢爆因渴望愛情而被騙的醜態,對奇理懷恨在心,認定奇理是品味低劣、天下第一的口臭寸男。但人就是「愈窮愈見鬼」,四女不知交上什麼霉運,竟然接二連三的涉及殺人事件,而唯一可以解救眾人的亦只有這個口臭冤家!