Hot Blooded Youth - 热血少年
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A legendary story about a young man who overcomes many hardships to become a formidable force in the Shanghai Bund.Xiong Tian grew up in the streets. With nothing to his name, he works a thankless job just to make a living. Nonetheless, he is quick-witted, talented and exceptionally gifted in steam-powered machinery. By chance, he gets pulled into a complicated fight and works his way to become a champion.

 上世纪20年代的上海滩,英美法三足鼎立, 日本虎视眈眈, 军阀割据, 各方势力相互较量,可怜的上海人民在夹缝中生存,饱受压迫。街头混混吴乾是孤儿,被养父吴法天收养。他和巡捕卫乘风一同长大,在街头市井中除了练出一副好身手,更锻炼出了机敏果敢、嫉恶如仇的性格。卫家奶奶对吴乾照顾有加,却因年迈而病重。为给卫奶奶凑钱沼病,吴乾和卫乘风决定参加万术大会,赢得高额奖金。万术大会实则洋人策划的一个以愚弄中国人民为乐的游戏,大赛环节险象丛生,吴乾和卫乘风在里面结识了来自中立派系学习小组——明镜学会的贺红衣,三个人齐心协力一路闯关,展现了中国人的骨气、勇气和气节。