Growing Pain - 少年派
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A story that follows four households and how every member of the family braves the rains and basks under the sun in this journey called life. 

Contrary to expectations, the bright and bubbly Lin Miao Miao has received high scores in the recent exams which earns her admission to a top high school. Her mom Wang Sheng Nan is exceptionally proud of her daughter's achievements. Lin Miao Miao is also elated as well since she will be living at the dorms away from her mother's control. However, school life is not easy in the face of stiff competition. Miao Miao's grades come under pressure and her mom Wang Sheng Nan decides to become a tutor mom. By the third year of high school, Lin Miao Miao and her friends face drastic changes in their homes that they must come to terms with. 

精靈活潑的少女林妙妙中考超常發揮,意外考入重點高中,媽媽王勝男揚眉吐氣。高一住校,掙脫媽媽掌控的林妙妙如魚得水,結交了三個好友,校花鄧小琪、學霸錢三一和江天昊,成為校園廣播站主播,儼然“人生贏家”。學神如雲,林妙妙成績慘遭碾壓,面對來自“我兒子成績全市第一”的裴音的正面暴擊,王勝男的鬥志被全麵點燃,開啟陪讀生活。冤家路窄,竟和裴音家成了鄰居。王裴二人衝突不斷升級,卻因婚姻問題惺惺相惜,成了閨蜜。高三來臨, ...