Letting You Float Like A Dream - 許你浮生若夢
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Based on the novel of the same name by Juzi Chen, presents a love story that transcends three lifetimes.

A food critic, Lin Jing Yun who was born and bred in France, returns to her family home to find an old diary that chronicles a love story between a popular actress Tian Ying/Lin Ruomeng and the son of a triad leader, Luo Fu Sheng during 1930s Shanghai.

《許你浮生若夢》改編自橘子宸同名小說《許你浮生若夢》,講述了在法國長大的華裔美食評論家林靜芸來到東江探訪美食和展開尋根之旅。林靜芸無意間在林家老宅找出一本日記,打開翻看,裡面講述了一個叫天嬰的女孩跌宕起伏的愛情故事 。